What is Rolfing® anyway?
Rolfing® is one of the best bodywork modalities you’ve possibly never heard of. Rolfing is a system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organizes the whole body in gravity.
Rolfing affects the body's posture and structure by re-training your myofascial system (connective tissue). Research has demonstrated that Rolfing creates more efficient muscle use, allows the body to conserve energy, and creates more economical and refined patterns of movement. Sky Schulz is pleased to offer Rolfing in Asheville, North Carolina.
How do you pronounce it?
Like "golf" but with an r instead of g.
What is the cost of a session?
My rate is $190 cash/venmo/check or $195 card. I do not expect tips.
What is a Rolfing Ten-Series?
Most clients coming to Rolfing for the first time will gain maximum benefit from a ten-series. While people often come to bodywork for relief from pain, Rolfing takes a longer view than simple (and short-lived) pain relief; we work instead to reorganize the body. While massage on a specific spot usually creates temporary relief from that pain, the alignment issues creating that pain will often cause the problem to crop up again within a few weeks. By realigning the whole body over 10 sessions, Rolfing creates long-term health as a more permanent solution to pains or dysfunctions.
Do I really have to do ten sessions?
No, it is not necessary to do ten sessions. I often suggest you try one session before committing to the series. One session may resolve your issue but then you just might realize how much better you could feel ten-fold... My sessions aren't just about fixing "broken things", they're about helping you physically and energetically reclaim your space to bring your true self forward into physical form.
Is Rolfing covered by insurance?
While not typically covered by insurance in North Carolina, Rolfing is usually covered by HSA (Health Savings Account) and FSA (Flexible Spending Account) plans, although depending on your plan you may need a doctor's note for it.
Rolfing is typically reported to insurance with treatment code CPT 97140. If you wish to see if your insurance will cover Rolfing, ask them about coverage for this code.
If your insurance does cover Rolfing, I’m happy to provide invoices for your use in filing insurance claims but I do not have the resources to file claims for clients.
What do I wear during a Rolfing session?
For women, underwear or shorts and a loose-fitting bra that doesn't cover much of the back works well. For men, boxer briefs or gym shorts.
Do I tip my Rolfer?
Tips are not expected.
How long is each session?
Rolfing session are typically 90 minutes. Please reach out to me directly to discuss longer options.
Can I still exercise as usual during the ten-series?
I know that clients seeking Rolfing in Asheville lead active lives – hiking, kayaking, sports, and other forms of fitness! You can keep moving during your ten-series; in fact, I encourage it. And: I equally recommend listening to your body and adjusting your work-out if necessary. Your body will be going through major changes that reach beyond the time spent on the table in my office! We can discuss adaptive fitness strategies following each of our sessions together.
Does Rolfing hurt?
During a Rolfing session, the sensation of the work can vary from subtle to intense. In most cases, clients describe the worst as being like the discomfort of a very deep stretch or a "hurts so good" feeling that most clients describe as something their body actually wants and needs. The nature of this work can be intense because it aims to undo non-beneficial holding patterns that may be as old as you are.
In any case, I work at a threshold where my client can breathe and be present with the sensation. Most clients are coming to Rolfing on account of some sort of ongoing pain though and find that the relief afterwards is well worth the temporary discomfort.
How is Rolfing different than massage therapy?
I see a lot of people who have had massage therapy in Asheville, and they’re wondering how Rolfing is different. Rolfing's primary aim is structural change through manipulation of connective tissue (fascia) while massage focuses on relaxation through muscle tissue.
Rolfing is also structurally oriented, aiming to fix deeper causes of discomfort, where most massage styles do not contain a structural component. I'm also tracking your nervous system and whole-body patterns as we go, encouraging holistic changes to take place - oftentimes Rolfing clients feel like they have a different relationship to the ground & space around them when they stand up after a session.
How is Rolfing different than chiropractic care?
I see a lot of people who have had chiropractic care in Asheville, and they’re wondering how Rolfing is different. Rolfing and chiropractic work have similar goals of better health through improved alignment but have key differences in methodology.
While chiropractic focuses on skeletal alignment and utilizes high-velocity adjustments, Rolfing works for a broader restructuring of posture and movement through the connective tissue (that influences the skeletal system) and primarily uses a very slow and steady touch to shift structure. Rolfing eases the nervous system to invite rather than demand change. (Your body already has its ideal blueprint for health, I only remind your system how to find it.)
Rolfing and chiropractic care can be highly complementary therapies, much like chiropractic and massage have functioned together for years. By freeing the connective tissue patterns around the bones, Rolfing can allow chiropractic adjustments to set and last much better and require less force to achieve.
Does Rolfing release emotions? I’d heard some people feel a lot during or after a session.
Holistic health practitioners as well as scientific studies across disciplines are increasingly verifying that the body and mind are interrelated rather than completely separate entities. Changes in the brain, thinking, or emotions affect the body, and vice-versa. We see this intuitively on some level when we say someone "looks tired" or "seems sad."
In practice, Rolfing does not attempt to influence thoughts or emotions. However, some clients may experience an emotional release during or after a session, in the sense of feeling lighter or feeling as if they can relate to the world or themselves in a new way. They might find more confidence & healthy boundaries, or less rigidity in their ways. It's pretty great :)
Rolfing clients in Asheville report their sessions well-complementing therapy and other forms of personal and group development work.
How Can I Get Started?
Click here to schedule your session online
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (828) 620-7741
Check out my contact page.
Rolfing® is one of the best bodywork modalities you’ve possibly never heard of. Rolfing is a system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organizes the whole body in gravity.
Rolfing affects the body's posture and structure by re-training your myofascial system (connective tissue). Research has demonstrated that Rolfing creates more efficient muscle use, allows the body to conserve energy, and creates more economical and refined patterns of movement. Sky Schulz is pleased to offer Rolfing in Asheville, North Carolina.
How do you pronounce it?
Like "golf" but with an r instead of g.
What is the cost of a session?
My rate is $190 cash/venmo/check or $195 card. I do not expect tips.
What is a Rolfing Ten-Series?
Most clients coming to Rolfing for the first time will gain maximum benefit from a ten-series. While people often come to bodywork for relief from pain, Rolfing takes a longer view than simple (and short-lived) pain relief; we work instead to reorganize the body. While massage on a specific spot usually creates temporary relief from that pain, the alignment issues creating that pain will often cause the problem to crop up again within a few weeks. By realigning the whole body over 10 sessions, Rolfing creates long-term health as a more permanent solution to pains or dysfunctions.
Do I really have to do ten sessions?
No, it is not necessary to do ten sessions. I often suggest you try one session before committing to the series. One session may resolve your issue but then you just might realize how much better you could feel ten-fold... My sessions aren't just about fixing "broken things", they're about helping you physically and energetically reclaim your space to bring your true self forward into physical form.
Is Rolfing covered by insurance?
While not typically covered by insurance in North Carolina, Rolfing is usually covered by HSA (Health Savings Account) and FSA (Flexible Spending Account) plans, although depending on your plan you may need a doctor's note for it.
Rolfing is typically reported to insurance with treatment code CPT 97140. If you wish to see if your insurance will cover Rolfing, ask them about coverage for this code.
If your insurance does cover Rolfing, I’m happy to provide invoices for your use in filing insurance claims but I do not have the resources to file claims for clients.
What do I wear during a Rolfing session?
For women, underwear or shorts and a loose-fitting bra that doesn't cover much of the back works well. For men, boxer briefs or gym shorts.
Do I tip my Rolfer?
Tips are not expected.
How long is each session?
Rolfing session are typically 90 minutes. Please reach out to me directly to discuss longer options.
Can I still exercise as usual during the ten-series?
I know that clients seeking Rolfing in Asheville lead active lives – hiking, kayaking, sports, and other forms of fitness! You can keep moving during your ten-series; in fact, I encourage it. And: I equally recommend listening to your body and adjusting your work-out if necessary. Your body will be going through major changes that reach beyond the time spent on the table in my office! We can discuss adaptive fitness strategies following each of our sessions together.
Does Rolfing hurt?
During a Rolfing session, the sensation of the work can vary from subtle to intense. In most cases, clients describe the worst as being like the discomfort of a very deep stretch or a "hurts so good" feeling that most clients describe as something their body actually wants and needs. The nature of this work can be intense because it aims to undo non-beneficial holding patterns that may be as old as you are.
In any case, I work at a threshold where my client can breathe and be present with the sensation. Most clients are coming to Rolfing on account of some sort of ongoing pain though and find that the relief afterwards is well worth the temporary discomfort.
How is Rolfing different than massage therapy?
I see a lot of people who have had massage therapy in Asheville, and they’re wondering how Rolfing is different. Rolfing's primary aim is structural change through manipulation of connective tissue (fascia) while massage focuses on relaxation through muscle tissue.
Rolfing is also structurally oriented, aiming to fix deeper causes of discomfort, where most massage styles do not contain a structural component. I'm also tracking your nervous system and whole-body patterns as we go, encouraging holistic changes to take place - oftentimes Rolfing clients feel like they have a different relationship to the ground & space around them when they stand up after a session.
How is Rolfing different than chiropractic care?
I see a lot of people who have had chiropractic care in Asheville, and they’re wondering how Rolfing is different. Rolfing and chiropractic work have similar goals of better health through improved alignment but have key differences in methodology.
While chiropractic focuses on skeletal alignment and utilizes high-velocity adjustments, Rolfing works for a broader restructuring of posture and movement through the connective tissue (that influences the skeletal system) and primarily uses a very slow and steady touch to shift structure. Rolfing eases the nervous system to invite rather than demand change. (Your body already has its ideal blueprint for health, I only remind your system how to find it.)
Rolfing and chiropractic care can be highly complementary therapies, much like chiropractic and massage have functioned together for years. By freeing the connective tissue patterns around the bones, Rolfing can allow chiropractic adjustments to set and last much better and require less force to achieve.
Does Rolfing release emotions? I’d heard some people feel a lot during or after a session.
Holistic health practitioners as well as scientific studies across disciplines are increasingly verifying that the body and mind are interrelated rather than completely separate entities. Changes in the brain, thinking, or emotions affect the body, and vice-versa. We see this intuitively on some level when we say someone "looks tired" or "seems sad."
In practice, Rolfing does not attempt to influence thoughts or emotions. However, some clients may experience an emotional release during or after a session, in the sense of feeling lighter or feeling as if they can relate to the world or themselves in a new way. They might find more confidence & healthy boundaries, or less rigidity in their ways. It's pretty great :)
Rolfing clients in Asheville report their sessions well-complementing therapy and other forms of personal and group development work.
How Can I Get Started?
Click here to schedule your session online
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (828) 620-7741
Check out my contact page.